Thursday, September 13, 2012

Five years

it seems like only yesterday
that I pressed my ears
to the full rounded moon of her belly
listening to you as you grew inside
my little hands pressed to it to feel each kick
as I sang to you and told you stories

it seems like only moments ago
that I crawled into the hospital bed with her
to hold you in my arms
marveling at the tiny miracle of you
as I let you know that you were safe
because your big sister was here

it seems like I only turned away for a second
and you are laughing and running long hair flying
and I am learning
that I cannot always protect you
they say it's not my job
but every time I look at you I remember

it seems as though I've just blinked
you've grown so fast and suddenly five years
is not the gaping chasm it once was
it is barely a crack in the sidewalk
one you are quickly stepping across
and I can only marvel at how quickly it all went by

1 comment:

  1. Thank you.
    Thank you. Thank you.
    Thank you.

    You two are everything I could have known to hope for and more than I imagined possible. Thank you.
