Monday, July 16, 2012

some perspective poems

Persephone’s choice
They will tell you that I was tricked
That I did not understand
what the withered gardener offered me
but the truth is that all children
will do what you tell them not to
and when my mother scoffed at me for loving him
I devised a plan
He met me in the meadow,
and we bribed a passing pig herd to tell a story
and shared the seeds I had hidden in my pocket for the long journey

 Hades story
She seduced me
Not the other way around
The sunlight in her smile
Won over my cold heart
Her hair smelled of spring
As it blew behind her
Her giddy laughter like a fresh water stream
As she snapped the horses reigns

glass half full

sometimes all you need is a little sunshine in your teacup to brighten your day


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Yeah, finally posted on my new blog, in honor of which I have posted three poems, hopefully future posts will have a new poem and/or at least an old one, and hopefully some pictures soon as well. Enjoy ^_^

For you
I wanted to write you into a poem
turn your breath into words
but what an impossible task
how could I write the shape of you
the lines that fall together to make you
the curve of your neck
the shape of your lips the look in your eyes
how could I do justice do the rhythm of your voice
what music could I write to match the beating of your heart

you met me in a field where the colors bled together
you smiled at me as though you knew
and reached for my hand to draw me near
I lost myself in your eyes
in the swirling colors that surrounded you
there were secrets there that I could feel and taste
and almost touch
but instead brushed them away
because I did not want to know
the light scattered through you like your body was made of crystal
fracturing the simple truths into multi-faceted complexities
you twisted me in knots with rose colored words left hanging for me to catch
baited hooks left in my heart tearing something in me away when you left

the sunlight wove itself into pale white skin
through fingertips that pressed along each nerve
soft breaths and lips drew it along veins like rivers
with rapid pulses that coaxed it along each cell
it's heat pooling to the very center
as sunbursts danced behind closed eyes