Friday, September 21, 2012


would you cease to be awed by the ocean by a drop of it?
or gaze at the night sky with less wonderment because of a single star?
you would not fault a river by a single bend,
nor the wind and rain for the shape of each stone.
we have such a fractured perception of ourselves,
we see individual parts and pieces,
and we hang our worth on the smallest curve or line.
we weigh, we measure, and far too often we find ourselves wanting
but look into the mirror,
and see instead how each line falls together,
how each piece you perceive flows in to the next,
constructing a singular and unique creation.
a building is not judged by a single brick,
nor a tree by only one leaf.
so tell me then why you would judge yourself by such a small fraction of the whole?


  1. And in roughly a dozen lines you have framed the questions and provided the answers for both, how and why compassion must begin with ourselves. Stunning Thalia. Truly! <3 u <3 me

  2. Beautiful. I wish all humans were as insightful.
